Biosecurity, a real team effort
AlphaGene works to maintain the highest health status in all its genetic and multiplying facilities. This goal is achieved through rigorous biosecurity practices developed and applied by the entire AlphaGene team.
Biosecurity is the set of measures and procedures in place to protect a population from the introduction and transmission of pathogens.
There are three types of strategies:
- External biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction of new pathogens into a livestock farm.
- Internal biosecurity measures aimed at reducing the spread of pathogens already present in the farm from one animal to another.
- Bio-containment measures that are applied to prevent a pathogen already presenton a farm from spreading to other nearby pig farms.
Did you know that AlphaGene production farms are managed in a complete, all-in, all-out system on 3 sites? This means that our customers and partners have the safest biosecurity production system possible. The sow units, nurseries and finishing barns are located on 3 different locations, at good distance from each other. This practice reduces the risk of contamination from one site to another.
All-in all-out management is a major asset for AlphaGene’s customers. The sales of the F1 breeding are done in one building at a time, and over a short period of time (3-4 weeks). Once the sales are completed, the farm is completely emptied, washed, sanitized, and thoroughly dried before starting a new batch. An excellent strategy to break the development cycle of pathogen. Conversely, the management of buildings in a rotation system will not allow for a complete emptying of the facilities. This practice is more likely to see opportunistic pathogens spread in the herd over time. Background experience has proved to us that in rotation, a health outbreak is unfortunately inevitable. A stop in sales is more likely to occur under this type of management, which will lead to customer supply concerns. Be aware that if your genetic supplier is operating in rotation, he may encounter health outbreak that will impact your breeding stock supply cycle over time.
Breeding animals delivered to our customers have all been tested several times, throughout their breeding process, to ensure their health status. The testing protocol has been developed and rigorously followed by our veterinarian. A final testing of diseases with high economic impact is carried out on our breeding stock before we can start the sales and this, at each building. All-in, all-out management, coupled with a rigorous veterinary-supervised testing program, allows AlphaGene to offer its customers healthy gilts and boars.
There are many benefits to the customer of a genetics supplier that operates in all-in, all-out:
- Very high health status of animals delivered to your farms.
- Stable and safe supply frequency.
- Increased protection against contamination of supplier farms and those of receivers.
- A safe and effective biosecurity program will rapidly identify and stop the spread of a pathogen at the source.
A biosecurity program in a genetic structure is expensive but never as much as a health outbreak can be. The cost of a health outbreak is always higher than the cost of good practices implemented to maintain health. Beware of rotating multiplication structures that are always willing to cut prices to get your order. Imagine where they are willing to cut to get it? With AlphaGene, health is not a matter of compromise.
Do not hesitate to ask your genetics provider about its Biosecurity program.